About Us
Who we are
Women in Action for Community Empowerment (W.A.C.E) is a grass-roots, community-based organization working to improve the livelihood of women and girls, their households and henceforth the entire community where they live. We do this by equipping them with practical, financial and entrepreneurial skills.
Our action areas are illustrated below.

More about us
In details
Skilling Girls focuses on supporting girls especially dropouts and young mothers to acquire income-generating skills such as tailoring and baking.
Entrepreneurial and financial literacy for women – Women are clustered into groups of 15 members with similar challenges and needs. They mobilize resources through membership fees, personal and group savings. These groups venture into a particular business idea such as mushroom growing, rabbit keeping, juice making, and poultry. They are then taught entrepreneurship and finance to run their businesses successfully
Climate Change Adaptation involves the efforts of women and girls to practice sustainable agriculture and participate in waste management & recycling practices.
Women and girls may not be able to get loans from financial institutions. Therefore, they use group membership fees, personal savings and group savings as microcredit to boost and expand their businesses. They pay back with interest.
Waste is produced by the different businesses. In order to manage waste and recycle materials, door mats and pillows are made from discarded tailoring waste. Agricultural waste such as depleted mushroom gardens is composted using bacteria.
As a result of sustainable agriculture, households have improved their nutrition and reduced their expenditures on food and sauces. Household income has also increased due to participating in income-generating activities such as poultry, mushroom growing, rabbit keeping, tailoring, juice making and baking.

Savings & micro-credit
Village Savings & Loan Associations (VSLAs)

Entrepreneurial and financial literacy for women

Skilling girls
Through learning income generating skills
Our Vision
We strive to create a society where women and girls have the entrepreneurial mindset and financial independence to support themselves, their families, and their communities.
Our Mission
Empower women and girls with timely information, entrepreneurship and life skills, tools, equipment, ICT, financial resources and useful networks. This will enable them to stir development and realize their full socio-economic potential.
Our Goal
To fight household-level poverty and unemployment, poor nutrition and food insecurity, stimulate economic empowerment, improve livelihoods and create violence-free communities through women’s entrepreneurship and life skills development
Our Objectives
- Economic empowerment (group savings and microcredit, Cash reserves generation through the WACE-FUND) as well as income generating activities like mushroom growing
- Sustainable agriculture and improved nutrition coupled with environmental management for climate change adaptation
- Education for skills development and support girls and youth to acquire high-income generating skills (tailoring, baking)
- Sanitation, waste management and community health promotion
- Women’s reproductive health education and rights advocacy
- Entrepreneurship and capacity development in the communities
WACE Uganda also forms strategic partnerships with Wakiso District Local Government, Nansana Municipality, Mayor’s office, and Nansana LC(I, II & III).